•    •  Glossary of Old Occupations, Professions and Trades








Old occupations, jobs, archaic trades and similar historical terms are often encountered in Family History. Definitions of these words and terms are recorded here.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
There are currently 13 old occupations, professions and trades in this directory beginning with the letter I.
A seller or deliverer of ice.

A gentleman of leisure.

Indentured Servant
one who was voluntarily or involuntarily committed to working for someone for a fixed number of years (usually 4 to 7) in exchange for passage to America or some other financial advantage. The lowest person on the totem pole, an indentured servant had few, if any, rights, but people without skills or money accepted this position in order to emigrate. After the period of work was over, the servant usually became a freeman.

A person in charge of an infirmary.

A spy.

A director of a public or government business.

A murderer.

Iron Founder
A person who founds or casts iron.

Iron Industry
Supported among others the following occupations: Brazier, Broker, Caster, Founder, Galvaniser, Moulder, Monger, Shearer, Platemaker, Worker.

Iron Master
The owner or manager of a foundry.

Iron Monger
A dealer in hardware made of iron. Also known as a Feroner.

Iron Smith
A worker in iron, a blacksmith.

Ivory Workers
Included makers of combs, boxes, billiard balls, buttons, and keys for pianofortes.